I give permission for my child (player) to participate in the Will Shield High School Football Camp. Player is responsible for his or her own conduct and agrees to abide by all instructions given by those conducting the camp. Player understands and acknowledges that sportsmanship and proper conduct are expected at all times while at the camp.
Parent(s) and Player understand that participation is not a right but a privilege that can be revoked If they behave inappropriately or if they pose a risk to themselves or others. Parent(s) and Player understand that all efforts will be made to prevent any and all injuries, however Parent and Player acknowledge that there is a slight risk of accidental injury in the activities that Player will engage in during this event. By clicking and acknowledging this agreement, Parent(s) and player agree to allow Player to participate in this event and furthermore release Santa Barbara High School, Santa Barbara Unified School District, Ye Ole Gang, I.M.F.A.S.T, all ALL coaches, players, volunteers, and any other entities or persons associated with this event from any and all liability for accidental injury during the participation in this event. Furthermore, I hereby give permission for event operators to authorize medical care for my child/Player in the event that he or she is injured and I am not present or able to give authorization.
By checking the box, you agree to release all liability from anyone involved with this event, and acknowledge this waiver of liability agreement.
Santa Barbara Dons Youth Football Camp Peabody Stadium, Santa Barbara CA Thursday, June 7, 2025 Camp: 9:00am – 12:30pm Youth Football Camp $60 ($75 after May 1) Camp T-Shirt Included Lunch will be provided