Some History About Ye Ole Gang
Many of us remember the informal gatherings organized by Sal Padilla ’51 and others in the early 70’s, designed to celebrate the many friendships formed while playing on Dons Football, Basketball, and Baseball teams during the 1940’s and 1950’s. The parties became such fun that they slowly expanded to include more former athletes and friends.
Although these events have always been about Dons spirit and camaraderie, the group saw an opportunity to raise funds for Dons athletics. Over the years, many thousands of dollars have been funneled to the school Athletic Department in order that a variety of sports, now boys and girls, benefit from the generosity of those who attend the annual event.
So as you come to enjoy yourselves, be of special cheer to know that you are helping some of the finest student-athletes in California compete and spread the reputation of our Dons.